The Top 10 Best Things About Becoming an Empty Nester
When you hear the phrase “empty nest,” you think of sad parents who don’t know what to do now that their kids have moved out. But anyone who’s raised kids can tell you, it’s not all bad.
Someone asked 1,000 older parents to name the BEST things about being an empty nester. Here are the top ten:
1. Less laundry.
2. Your food bills go down.
3. When you clean the house, it stays clean.
4. Energy bills go down, because they’re not on their gadgets all day.
5. Not having to clean up after them.
6. Cooking is easier.
7. More freedom, and you can be more spontaneous.
8. Not having to go around the house collecting dirty cups and plates.
9. Making whatever YOU want for dinner.
10. Having more disposable income.
Turning their bedroom into an office or guest room just missed the top ten.