You’re Not “Old” Until You’re 77 – Here Are the 10 Best Things About Getting Old

This survey kinda makes me NOT be afraid to get old.

Like, OLD old – 90s…100s.

Because it doesn’t really sound that bad.

According to a new survey of people over 65, you don’t actually become “old” until you hit 77.

And even then, 90% say you’re “only as old as you feel.”

They also shared the best things about getting old, and here are 10 of the top answers:

1.  Having more free time.

2.  Not feeling pressure to do anything you don’t want to do.

3.  Having grandchildren.

4.  Finding pleasure in little things.

5.  Realizing there’s more to life than work.

6.  Wearing clothes for comfort, not style.

7.  Not caring anymore what other people think.

8.  Finally having a clear idea of what’s important in life.

9.  All the discounts.

10.  Not always having to worry about the future.


(Source: SWNS Digital)

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