Chimney Family (2023)


Chimney Family

Single mom, 32 years old. Has no local family support and is currently working on going back to school. Started with her basics and is looking to provide a better life for her children.

5 year old boy

CLOTHING: Shirts 4T, pants 4T slim, shoes size 8 INTERESTS: Dinosaurs, Paw Patrol, PJ Mask, building toys, kinetic sand and nerf guns.

7 year old girl

CLOTHING: 7/8 shirt and pants, size 11 in shoes INTERESTS: Loves coloring and reading! Asking for new crayons and map pencils this year.

10 year old girl

CLOTHING: Shirts size 10/12, pants size super slim 8, shoes size 2 INTERESTS: Finger nail polish and anything arts and crafts. Loves DIY kits.



Please help this 2023 “Knight Before Christmas” family any way you can – all of your donations are greatly appreciated! Click here to make an ONLINE donation to this family now!