Big Dave’s 5 Nuggets Of Knowledge For Your Noggin’ – (4/26/23)

Here are Big Dave’s 5 Nuggets of Knowledge for your Noggin’ – on this Wednesday, April 26th, 2023. Let’s learn something together:

  1. MRI studies suggest that 80% of all neural connections form by age 3.
  2. T.G.I. Friday’s started as a bar in New York City in 1965.  The guy who created it just wanted a place to meet women.
  3. Before 1845, there was no national election date, each state just had to hold voting at some point between the beginning of November and the first Wednesday in December.
  4. “Charlie’s Angels” was originally going to be called “The Alley Cats”.
  5. The name “California” comes from a Spanish novel from the 1500s.  It was the name of an island paradise, quote, “inhabited by Black women without a single man among them.”

Be sure to share these 5 Nuggets of Knowledge for your Noggin’ with your family, friends & coworkers at some point today!


(New York Times / Gothamist / Wikipedia / Charlie’s Angels / Mental Floss)

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