Top 12 Redneck Google Searches
November 6, 2020 4:31AM CST
Search engine results for the rednecks in our family are probably a little different from the rest of us (well, unless WE’RE the rednecks in the family, that is).
See what we mean with this list of The Top 12 Redneck Google Searches:
- Where can I buy a lawn mower mini fridge?
- Best places to take my home for a drive
- Professional Wrestling schools near me
- Why are they called cinder “blocks” when they make such good tables?
- How to get a fuller neck beard
- Local jobs that pay in pork rinds
- Best wall fasteners for mounting a talking fish
- DIY dentistry
- Deer nuggets air fryer recipes
- Larry the Cable Guy nudes
- Does the Electoral College have a good football team?
- What’s the website for Google?