Today Is National Donut Day – Here Are America’s 10 Favorite Types of Donuts

With so much going on right now, I feel like everyone could really use five peaceful minutes where it’s just them going to town on anywhere from one to 47 donuts.

Today is National Donut Day and lots of donut shops are offering deals, including Krispy Kreme and Dunkin’ Donuts giving ’em away for FREE. Not sure exactly what our local shops – like Momo’s, Southern Maid, etc. – are offering today.

Here are America’s 10 favorite types of donuts, according to a survey in honor of the holiday:

  1. Glazed
  2. Boston cream
  3. Chocolate frosted
  4. Jelly-filled
  5. Chocolate cake
  6. Maple
  7. Blueberry
  8. Bear claw
  9. Powdered sugar
  10. Pink frosted


[Source: National Today]

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