Big Dave’s 5 Nuggets Of Knowledge For Your Noggin’ – (7/3/23)

Here are Big Dave’s 5 Nuggets of Knowledge for your Noggin’ – on this Monday, July 3rd, 2023. Let’s learn something together:

  1. The strike note of Philadelphia’s Liberty Bell is E-flat.
  2. Peaches and nectarines are the exact same fruit, nectarines just have a recessive gene that keeps them from being fuzzy.
  3. The world’s largest cashew tree is in Brazil – it’s 80,000 square feet, which means it’s the size of about five football fields.  It’s also the size of 70 normal cashew trees.
  4. If minimum wage had grown at the same rate as Wall Street bonuses, it would be $33-an-hour today.
  5. Mick Jagger has a great-grandchild who’s older than his youngest child.  His great-grandchild was born in 2014, his youngest child was born in 2016.

Be sure to share these 5 Nuggets of Knowledge for your Noggin’ with your family, friends & coworkers at some point today!


(NSF / Martha Stewart / Atlas Obscura / CBS News / Wikipedia)

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